
Saturday, September 6, 2014

BERLIN — One of the most common objections to smartwatches has been that these phone-connected
timepieces are just too big, and that’s not fair.
Watches are allowed to be chunky as long as they’re round: Just look at half of the men’s watches on sale in a store that doesn’t cater to techies. Unfortunately, most of the smartwatches on the market today have sported square faces that advertise to passersby “I am wearing a miniature computer on my wrist.”
If squareness is the only obstacle to mainstream smartwatch adoption, LG’s upcoming G Watch R may stand a better-than-average chance at breaking through. At the IFA gadget show here, the Korean firm gave journalists a peek at the round-faced Android Wear device it announced late last month, and I spent a few minutes inspecting one and trying it on.


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